Team Dunerunner

“Team Dunerunner exists to get people out and moving outside, especially on the stunning Norfolk coastline. There is nothing we like better than getting together as a team and Gazelles' events are amongst our favourites!”

On race day, this will display the runners and the distances they have run for each stage

{{}} {{runner.distance?+runner.distance.toFixed(3):''}}
Dan Goodwin 8:00 7.74
Liam Rowlands 16:00 7.68
Adam Pimble 6:00 7.66
Bu Young 22:00 7.65
Gary Tuttle 6:00 7.64
Chrissi Head 18:00 7.56
Liam Rowlands 15:00 7.53
Mark Duffield 9:00 7.22
Ally Hadden 9:00 7.01
Neil May 7:00 6.85

Not just fun, but raising money for our charities too

Web gubbins by John Moore, scoring system by Nick Ross